Effective Methods of Improving EQ at Work

5 min readAug 27, 2021
Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

EQ has become increasingly essential in the modern workplace. Some experts believe that a worker’s EQ levels determine their performance and career success. Some sources claim that EQ is inversely proportional to IQ, the predecessor of workplace excellence.

However, despite all the literature floating around, EQ, as with any intelligence quotient, remains challenging to measure. Humans are highly complex creatures with ever-changing temperaments, making it harder to pin down an accurate EQ gauge.

Despite its inherent complexities and unanswered questions, EQ seems learnable. By promoting EQ-boosting activities/practices at work, you might unlock hidden interpersonal skills in staff. And with honed communication skills, you can set your employees up for long-term success that strengthens the organisation.

EQ in a Nutshell

In essence, EQ refers to the sets of abilities that enable individuals to manage their emotions and those of others. Specifically, individuals with high EQ can perceive, reason, understand and manage emotions with ease.

From an organizational perspective, workers and leaders with high EQ perform better in collaborative settings. These may translate into proactive action such as reducing workplace conflicts (or resolving them) and having better control over stress levels.

Multiple studies have shown the positive effects of EQ at the workplace. One study of Pepsi Co’s staff demonstrated that executives with higher EQ competencies generated 10% more productivity with a reduced turnover of over 87%. A previous Gallup study of over two million employees showed that workers who had managers with high EQ were four times less likely to leave the company.

Therefore, promoting EQ at your organisation could lead to significant improvements in employee engagement and productivity.

The Path to Optimised EQ

EQ comprises multiple components (i.e., self-awareness and self-management), but ultimately, they relate to people and how they communicate. When you strip the environmental factors and individual preferences, every person seeks validation and acknowledgment, which organisations can fulfill through empathetic leadership.

Leaders play a critical role in shaping workplace culture by setting a benchmark for employees, determining acceptable standards. These include ideals, goals, and values such as EQ. Therefore a significant factor towards raising EQ at work lies behind leadership practices.

Practise Active Listening Skills

Leaders who practice active listening at work are more likely to gain the attention and trust of employees. Active listening can help improve the overall EQ of leaders and employees through fostering respectful communication that gives speakers full attention.

The active listening process includes the use of subtle non-spoken body language (nods and smiles) that express a genuine interest in another person’s opinions and perspectives.

By developing strong relationships that thrive on mutual trust and understanding, leaders essentially set the foundation for improved EQ within the workplace culture.

Prioritise Feedback

One way to improve communication among co-workers is to eliminate all assumptions and doubts. Therefore, regular and quality feedback is necessary for a high EQ environment. Leaders should maintain open communication with employees at all times and encourage team leaders to do the same.

As the workplace climate becomes increasingly complex with technology, leaders need to dial up on feedback efforts through cross-functional and multiple alignments throughout the company.

Rather than providing feedback few and far between (i.e., during milestones), leaders should plan regular check-ins and create actionable goals based on the review. On the contrary, quarterly or 360 reviews lack the timeliness to assess and fix pressing workplace issues that may spiral out of control.

Additionally, leaders should provide negative feedback with the positive to give a realistic/meaningful response that gains trust while inspiring a growth mindset.

AMA (ask me anything) sessions are a popular way for high EQ leaders to connect with the workforce without traditional hierarchical barriers.

The revelatory interaction that originated from a Reddit feed involves leaders opening the floor with a casual meeting where employees may ask anything (including personal questions).

Matthew Ley, the co-founder, and president of webinar solutions company The Streaming Network reveals the recipe to successful AMAs, “have fun and try to relax. Higher risk events can lead to much higher returns when executed properly.”

Welcome Criticism

While feedback focuses on future changes, criticism reviews the past for valuable insights.

It is almost an instinctual response to react strongly against criticism by protecting one’s well-being. However, individuals with high EQ understand that criticisms may hold the key to priceless lessons and improvement.

If you plan to offer constructive criticism to employees, aim for one-on-one sessions that grant privacy while focusing on improving performance.

Alternatively, you may consider challenging employees to sound out a mistake or oversight. By doing so, you can work towards creating a positive safety culture where employees will stay engaged and more willing to go the extra mile.

Staying Positive

Everybody faces problems sometime in their careers, even the most dynamic leaders. However, individuals with high EQs understand that the way they react to a crisis affects workers around them and the organisation. Therefore, high EQ leaders should make an active effort to maintain an optimistic outlook in their roles despite immediate challenges.

Organisational psychologist Joyce E. A Russell shares, “It (staying positive) requires dedication, persistence, and continual focus for a leader to be optimistic, upbeat, and encouraging around their employees. Yet, it is something that we can all work on developing to build better workplaces for everyone.

Mapping the Future with EQ

While EQ might seem complex when unpacked, it really isn’t. Leaders simply need to promote conscious interactions at the workplace with an approachable and friendly approach. It’s about fine-tuning the inner connection with everyone through basic human psychology amidst the white noise of technology, expectations, and deadlines.

With improved EQ, leaders and employees can distinguish the decisions governed by emotions from those driven by logic and reasoning. Through the power of EQ, organisations can stay confident and resilient in the face of a volatile future.

StrengthsAsia has helped many individuals and corporate clients empower leaders throughout the region by enabling breakthrough experiences for both leaders and followers. If you wish to learn more about the Strengths Leadership Program, please reach out to us here.




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